The West Milford High School community participated in the larger district initiative “Island of Flags” Project under the guidance of Student Council advisors Petrosillo and LoRe. Each school in West Milford Township this Veterans Day asked individuals and families to sponsor a small American flag in honor of or remembrance of a living or deceased United States military service member. The cost of each flag was $5.00 with a large portion of the proceeds being donated to the local V.F.W. Post 7198. Students from Mrs. Petrosillo’s second period class placed the flags outside the high school on Wednesday, November 6.
The “Island of Flags” project is in addition to the wonderful lessons and tributes we already host at our schools around Veterans Day. The hope is to fill the front grounds of each school with many flags to show our appreciation and gratitude for our Veterans. The stars and stripes also serve as a reminder to hold discussions at home about why our Veterans matter. We hope you will join us as we flood West Milford with our beautiful American flag as a tribute to our Veterans near and far, and help make a difference for our local V.F.W.!