College Necessities

We all know the end of the year is approaching very quickly. The seniors have decided where they are going, whether it be a four-year traditional college (close or far), trade school, a gap year, or any kind of military branch. It’s happening soon. When it comes to packing your life up and bringing it somewhere entirely new, it’s a fresh start, but it can also be scary and intimidating. While there are new people, new opportunities, and a whole new environment, there are also many unknowns and sometimes many fears. After you have gone through all the stress of selecting the right place for you, and applying, hoping you make it in, it doesn’t even occur to you what you might need to pack. The college itself doesn’t really tell you word for word what you might need. There is so much left in the unknown, so many are wondering what to bring and set up their ‘’fresh start”. One thing is for certain; it’s ok not to know. You learn as you go, just like your first day at elementary school, middle school, or even high school. Everything will fall into place as time goes on. Just have hope and take it slow. Yes, it’s bigger, and maybe more populated, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.
Now that you are moving, what do you need to prepare for this new chapter in your life and this new adventure? Sheets and pillows are a given, but make sure to size the bed first because some beds are different sizes from others. Lots of schools have the XL Twin beds, but some are still regular twin, so be sure to check. To help you find the beat sheets for your bed here are some options, on the pricier side you have L/L Bean cotton set, Garnet Hill wrinkle- resistant Sateen Sheet, and Brooklinen Luxe Core Sheet set. On the less expensive side you have the Mellanni 1800 Microfiber Bed Sheet set on amazon and Amazon Basics Microfiber Sheet set. Other things you might want to buy for your room are a mini trash can, a laundry basket, towels, anything you can use as storage as you will be living in a more condensed environment. A little tool kit, a lamp, pens, pencils (you can never have too many), scissors, clothes including a bathing suit and winter wear, lightbulbs, all purpose cleaner, wet wipes, and food storage containers are also other often forgotten items.
This is the next step into adulthood. When you are moving out you should be thinking about what you have at home that you need or use in your everyday life. From cleaning supplies, to bedroom linens, to clothes, bathroom essentials, and food. Plan well and be thorough; you don’t want to bring too much but you don’t want to be unprepared. One good thing is that there is usually a Wal-Mart, Target or other big box store nearby, so if you DO forget something, hopefully it won’t be too hard to go buy it.
Things you should not bring are too many clothes or shoes, because, remember, you have limited space. Furniture, large suitcases, and more than two sets of sheets and towels are unneeded. You will also not need to bring a ton of school supplies as you might not need them. You don’t need to bring too many knick knacks or decorating accessories. As when you first get in there especially, you want to make sure you have room for everything you need before you just bring everything and over crowd yourself and your room. Obviously, you will be allowed to decorate your room and make it your own, however you don’t want to be doing too much at once. You will have to measure and size things out, so you don’t want to blow a ton of money on things you might not have room for. You might also want to talk to your roommate (if you have one) about what their plans are. Perhaps you and your roomie could brainstorm ideas to have a collective style for your room, and make it something special.
Preparing to go to a new place is scary, but this is a new beginning. You should be excited more than anything else. You get a taste of freedom and responsibility. You get to figure things out as you go. It is a step into the real world and you are one step closer to getting the job you have always wanted and starting a real life. Best of luck to the entire Class of 2022, no matter what your plans for the future are!