We all know Valentine’s Day is a day to show your love to the special people in your life. However, we also know that showing your love in the form of gifts can be pretty expensive. Here are some crafty gift ideas that you can give or make that are inexpensive, yet still thoughtful and meaningful, for the day of love.
25 Reasons I Love You
Sometimes we don’t remind the people we care about how much we love them. Writing little decorated note cards about the reasons you love someone can be a meaningful gift that will really remind them how much they mean to you! All you need is:
- 26 note cards
- Colored markers
- A piece of ribbon
- Hole puncher
Gather the 26 note cards and write down all of the reasons you love the special someone. Decorate the cards in any way you like! Maybe add some things they like and things that remind you of them. On the extra note card, make a nice cover for the small book. Color it any way you want! Next, stack all the cards together and punch a hole in the top right corner. Tie the piece of ribbon through the hole and you have a small book of 25 reasons you love them!
50 Date Ideas
Sometimes finding things to do with your significant other can be difficult. Things are too expensive, the weather isn’t right, or you just can’t agree. Having date ideas on hand is a convenient way to add some spontaneous fun into your relationship. All you will need is:
- 50 small pieces of paper of different colors
- A mason jar
- Colored markers
- Piece of paper
- Basic white paper
First, you’re going to research 50 fun date ideas! Find 10 of each category: expensive, at home, going out, affordable, or planning required. Take the 50 sheets of paper and separate them into five piles matching the categories and colors you chose. You are free to assign whatever color you’d like to each category. Next, you are going to write the dates on the little slips and toss them into a mason jar. On the plain white sheet of paper, write the categories in their corresponding color. Make a cute title and decorate however you’d like! Lastly, glue or tape the label onto the mason jar and you have a perfect jar of date ideas!
Picture Collage
If you’ve been together for a few months or a few years, it’s likely you have plenty of pictures together! Putting together a picture collage can highlight some of your favorite memories together and things that remind you of each other. All you need is:
- A picture frame
- Your favorite pictures together
- Things that remind you of each other
- Dried flowers or other memorabilia like movie or concert tickets, etc.
- Quotes (songs/words)
- A black piece of construction paper
- Glue (Hot glue /glue stick)
First, lay your picture frame down flat on a table, glass side on the table. Take the back of the picture frame out and put the actual picture frame to the side for now. Take your black sheet of paper and cut it to match the size of the backing of the frame. Once you have done that, lay out the pictures and items in the way you’d like. When you finish laying the pictures out, glue everything to the black sheet of paper. Finally, put your collage into the frame and you have a meaningful gift!
Matching Bracelets
A cute idea for a gift is making matching bracelets! Although it may sound challenging, it actually is quite simple! Matching bracelets can remind you of your special someone everyday every time you look at your wrist!! Everything you need is:
- 6 different colors of beads (3 of your favorite colors and 3 of your loved one’s favorite color
- String
Take your string and tie a knot at one end. Once you have tied a knot, file the beads in whatever order you want. You can start with your colors or your special person’s colors. Once the string has all the beads on, tie the end without a knot to the side with the knot. Make sure the bracelet fits whoevers wrist it is going on. Once that bracelet is done, repeat the steps with the second group of colors. Once you finish the second bracelet, you have a wonderful memory of your relationship in the form of matching bracelets!
A fun way to capture and look back on memories together is through a scrapbook. Similar to the picture collage, a scrapbook includes photos and memories. All you need is:
- A book/notebook with blank pages
- Photos and memories
- Colored markers
- Glue
First, take your pictures and lay them out in chronological order. Then start gluing them to the pages, along with anything else you want to add in. Once you have all of your pictures pasted down, you can decorate the pages however you want. Many stores sell scrapbooking stickers or other fancy embellishments you can add onto the pages. On the cover of the book, you can write a cute message or title. A smart idea is to leave pages blank at the end so you can add more photos and memories as you continue your relationship!