After enjoying chocolates and fancy meals for Valentine’s Day some may have gained a pound or two and may be looking forward to losing weight. Everyone holds these expectations up to one or two weeks before giving up on their goals. Why not start your summer weight loss plan before February or even before New Year’s as the gyms may be packed and make you lose hope in your goals. If you start earlier you have the likelihood of achieving your goal. While others are attempting to begin their goal, you would have had a head start.
February often marks the upcoming of a special event for most high school seniors, that being prom. Many girls go dress shopping and begin working out to get their ideal body for prom. The few months remaining before June, many girls turn to unhealthy eating habits and excessive workouts to quickly lose weight. As this might seem convenient, it isn’t the healthiest choice. Such habits can lead to an undiagnosed eating disorder.
Along with prom approaching, summer has the months that are most booked with weddings. A very special moment in many women’s lives where they want to look their best. They will be the main focus of every picture taken that day.
Not to mention, summer is a hot season where girls attempt to get their ideal bodies in an attempt to look good in bikinis, crop tops, and dresses. As fun as it may be to be out of school and enjoy your time with your friends and family, bad body image is a problem that closely follows the warmer seasons. It’s important to remember summer is about relaxation so why spend your time worrying about your body which always changes to accommodate with your needs. Focus on being healthy and what makes you happy. Don’t let unrealistic standards take your time away from accomplishing your goals and from enjoying your prom or summer. Especially, don’t let it be the reason you skip out on your senior prom or spend your summer isolated in your room.
Speaking of summer it’s the season of lemonades and ice cream’s, a sweet many people can’t let go of when they begin their diets. It’s okay to enjoy a dessert here and their, it’s a part of having a healthy and balanced diet. It’s a start of a bad habit to label your food as “good” or “bad” because every food is goon ins some way, even those that many people label at “bad”. Although girls often express body image issues, there has also been a rise of eating disorders and body image issues seen in males. The warmer seasons can be stressful for everyone regardless of gender and age.