When having a best friend or a group of friends, everyone expects that the other people in the group will always have each other’s backs. Especially when you trust them with gossip you have, or you ask them for advice on situations you’re going through. You trust them to support you through whatever it is you are experiencing. You expect them to follow the girl code.
The “girl code” is a set of rules that girls follow when they are in a friendship with other girls. These can be pretty obvious, like the basic rule of ex-boyfriends being off limits or being honest with your friend about how she looks. If you want to be a girl’s girl and have a successful friendship with a girl, it is important to follow the rules of girl code.
There are many important rules to girl code, but the one that is a must to follow is being honest with your friend about her appearance. If your friend has mascara on her eyelid or has missed a piece of hair when curling, it is your job to tell her what has gone wrong. People may be worried that they would hurt her friend’s feelings, but would you rather have your friend feel a little hurt and fix what is wrong, or have her go out in public embarrassed about her makeup being messed up or her outfit looking weird ? If you had a rip in your pants and no one told you about it, imagine how that would make you feel? Now imagine the stress you would be saving your friend if you were just honest with her about appearance or wardrobe malfunctions. Make sure to let your friend know next time when something isn’t looking right.
Another important rule of girl code is always to be supportive of your friend and try not to outshine her. Go support her with anything she is involved in, whether it’s sports, clubs, or any other extracurricular activity. Showing your support is always important because it encourages your friend to keep being the best person she can be. Don’t be that friend who needs to put others down in order to feel good about yourself.
Even if a friend likes someone else; don’t jump the gun saying the person isn’t attractive and what not. Now, honesty, like mentioned before, is also very important in a friendship. If the person your friend likes has a bad reputation don’t be afraid to remind them that there is a possibility that her heart will break, but remember that she will do what she will with the advice you give them. Whatever she does with it, you just make sure to be there to support her. Having a friend that is there for you and supports you is the key to a healthy friendship.
At some point your friend is bound to start dating others. Girls tend to make the mistake of letting their boyfriend or girlfriend take up a lot of their time. It is good for you to balance out your friendships and your relationships. The majority of the time, high school and middle school relationships don’t last forever. Throwing your friends to the side makes them feel sad and betrayed. You are always there for each other and hanging out with one another, and then all of the sudden you disappear just to be with a guy. And most of the time, when you do end up breaking things off with your significant other, you run back to your friends. You’re using your friend when it’s convenient for you, and if you were a real friend, you would balance out the time you have between your boyfriend/girlfriend and your friends.
This last rule is the most IMPORTANT rule of girl code. Never, ever, EVER date someone your friend has liked or with whom she has had a relationship. When seeing your friend go through a relationship, you see the ups and the downs. Dating someone who your friend trusted you around and went to you for the rollercoaster ride they went through is disgusting and disrespectful. It’s also basic respect for your friend not to be with someone you were attracted to. If this “friend” thinks that the boy won’t treat her the way he treated you, she’s fairly mistaken, and you are at an all time low if you decide to betray a friend in that way and date someone she used to go out with.
The Girl Code is the set of rules to follow to be the best friend you can possibly be. When having friends you want to lift each other up and make sure to always be there for one another. Hopefully these important rules can help you with the friendships you have right now.