I believe that there is a certain time for getting up on Christmas and that time is between eight and nine in the morning. You can still sleep in and go downstairs and grab some coffee or hot chocolate, and whip up some breakfast before indulging in all the presents and gifts under the Christmas tree.
When I was younger I would say you head down to investigate under the tree as soon as you wake up, even if that means five in the morning. There was no certain time to start celebrating when you were a kid, because you knew it was Christmas day and every moment brought joy, no matter how early it took place. Opening up each present made every moment that much more special. As we get older though, many people, including me, would like to sleep in for a while, then head downstairs and open up some presents.
When we were younger most of us remember ourselves sneaking around the tree while our parents were still sleeping and shaking the presents or trying to peek inside to see what it was. Christmas is one of the best holidays on the calendar because you spend precious time with your family, friends and loved ones as well as exchanging gifts and putting a smile on each other’s faces. I know when I was younger my parents would have a big smile on their faces as they adored watching my brother and I opening our presents, because they knew how much the gifts, and Christmas day itself, meant to us.
One of the best things about waking up Christmas morning to open presents is when you know you really wanted something and you open the present and inside the box is that very special gift. So while there is no specific time when you should get up on Christmas morning, recommendations would definitely vary by age range. Christmas mornings are some of the best days in our childhood lives–opening up presents, enjoying the fun and smiles the day brings not only to us but to our parents.
Even with all the presents, gifts, toys and all that is fun, we have to be grateful for what we have, cherish these moments and the time we spend with each other, no matter what time you decide to come peek at the presents underneath the tree.