The House Of Lizzie Borden

Keeping up with the media has been a huge part of life for centuries. When people check their social media sites, they always see that one huge scandal celebrities are caught up in, or that one murder case that captures the whole nation and won’t stop following it until the case is solved. The big scandal that captured the whole nation in the 1800s was the murder of Andrew and Abby Borden. The case was so famous because of how the couple was mercilessly killed with an ax, but people were desperate to know who could do such a thing. Who could kill these two innocent and wealthy people in such a brutal way?
The Bordens were a prominent and wealthy family from Fall River, Massachusetts. On August 4, 1892 Andrew Borden and his second wife, Abby Borden, were found brutally murdered in their own home. Lizzie Borden found her father bludgeoned to the point of being unrecognizable on their living room couch. Minutes later, the maid, Bridget, found Abby bludgeoned to death in her bedroom. The coroner found that Abby was killed about an hour before Andrew which became a key piece of evidence for the case. Lizzie quickly became a prime suspect in the investigation considering that if her stepmother died before her father, Lizzie would automatically get all of her father’s inheritance. Lizzie also didn’t have a strong alibi when investigators questioned the maid about Lizzie’s wearabouts. In time, She was charged with the murder of Andrew and Abby Borden. When her trial began, it was revealed that the jury was filled with all wealthy white men, giving Lizzie a huge advantage. In the end, Lizzie was never officially convicted, but to this day, there are speculations of her being the one heartlessly to murder her father and stepmom.
In modern day, the Borden house was turned into a bed and breakfast and a supernatural hotspot for paranormal investigators. Fortunately, I was able to visit the Borden residence and had a great experience. When you arrive at the house, your tour guide gives you these ghostly gadgets to use around the house to catch some paranormal activity. When I first walked into the house I felt so sick, which apparently was some ghost messing with me because it could sense the fear I was having. I took a second to gather myself outside and when my friend, her parents and I re-entered the house, we were guided into the basement, entering our first room, the bedroom of Eliza. Eliza was a woman who lived across the street from the house and murdered two out her three children. The third child escaped. The children and their mom’s spirit moved into the Borden House. Eliza was very shy and didn’t want to engage with anybody, but when our tour guide told us to play Mozart’s “Moonlight Sonata”, her shy attitude quickly flipped. My friend’s dad asked Eliza to come out and dance. Activity started immediately, with all the EMF readers going off at the end of the bed where he was sitting. There was not much more activity in the basement, and when the dance party was over, Eliza became sheltered again. But we weren’t leaving quite yet, we had one more destination. The upstairs room. The very same floor in which Mr.Borden was brutally murdered.
The upstairs activity was thriving and Andrew Borden was angry. When putting a spirit box on the couch on which he was murdered in order to communicate with him, he began to call my friend and I vulgar names and was demanding for us to leave his house. A spirit box is a channel on a radio you turn on, and you can hear the ghosts talking. Feeling intrigued by Mr. Borden, we decided to push his buttons further and ask more questions. Our questions were soon put to a halt when we heard an unfamiliar voice through the spirit box. We were joined by our tour guide who revealed to us the spirit that was speaking was Skip. Skip is a wandering spirit looking for a home who occasionally stops by the Borden residence. We were lucky enough to go on a day that Skip was visiting. He was very pleasant, complimenting my friend’s sweater and sitting close to her on the couch. He was a friendly spirit overall.
The night was soon coming to an end and ghosts were tired. This experience was one of the best things i’ve ever experienced and if you have a chance to go to a paranormal hot spot like Borden house, please go.