No more PDA on display!

Dear Echo,

When I came to West Milford High School, I was ready finally to be among fellow adults. After my hellish experience at Macopin, with students jumping down the stairs and sprinting through the halls, I expected something different, but I was shocked and awed to find that things here might be even worse. I was about to give up hope of my fellow students ever acting like normal human beings, but maybe with this letter to “The Echo,” I can make you all see the error of your ways. This is what I have to say.When I came to West Milford High School, I was ready finally to be among fellow adults. After my hellish experience at Macopin, with students jumping down the stairs and sprinting through the halls, I expected something different, but I was shocked and awed to find that things here might be even worse. I was about to give up hope of my fellow students ever acting like normal human beings, but maybe with this letter to “The Echo,” I can make you all see the error of your ways. This is what I have to say. To start with–couples, no one wants to see you trading your gross tongue germs. I guess a hallway smooch here and there isn’t that bad, but all of the saliva sports need to stop. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve gone to my locker, only to find a couple leaned up against it, locked in a passionate, public, intimate embrace. On that note, to the hand holders, the hallways aren’t all that wide, walking slowly side by side is a good way to make me want to kick both of your legs out from under you. Now, boys, you’re next. If you think pushing and throwing each other around in a crowded hall makes you look tough or cool or something–you’re wrong. It makes you lame, and annoying. Walking four-wide, real slow-like doesn’t make you cool either, it just makes everyone late to class, and annoyed at you and all of your friends. Pay attention to what’s going on around you.  Total ignorance isn’t a fashionable thing. Lastly, to all of the half-asleep zombies roaming the halls, what are you doing? Sure, school starts early, you probably stayed up a little bit too late, but I imagine that coffee is still an option? I can’t even list how many times I’ve been late to class because a couple of kids were sleepwalking around the halls at a snail’s pace. The same goes to all of you swinging open doors all willy nilly. I will not forgive anyone who smashes me in the face with a door. It’s happened twice already, and enough is enough. Pay attention, you all have eyes; it’s not that difficult.  Hopefully that covers all of the repeat offenders. I’m tired of feeling like the only adult among a sea of toddling babies, so please, for both my sake and your own, get your act together.

A Frustrated Freshman