Seven with Shenise
1) What made you want to become a gym teacher?
“I liked the fact that there were certain individuals [who] were turned off to Phys Ed, [who] were intimidated by…athletes, so I decided to be the voice of those who were inexperienced and intimidated.”
2) What do you do outside of work?
“I usually just work on my house or my drone.”
3) Who will you be voting for in the upcoming presidential election and why?
“I’ll refrain from that one for right now.”
4) Who’s the biggest role model in your life?
“There are a lot of role models in my life, but I would have to say the biggest would be my older brother, who is also a teacher.”
5) Any jobs before becoming a teacher?
“Too many jobs, man. I’ve worked at an electrical warehouse. I’ve sold cars. I’ve sold motorcycles. I’ve done asphalt maintenance, steel coating, deck staining, power washing, you name it.”
6) Best experience you’ve ever had?
“Marrying my wife.”
7) If you were entering the 9th grade again, what would you do differently?
“I wouldn’t care about the way people were or how they were treating me. I wouldn’t [care] how I dressed or [how I] looked or what I wore because it’s really not about that; it’s about doing better in life.”