Finding that sweet summer job

While the weather may still be a bit chilly in the mornings, summer is coming around the corner sooner than you may think. And while you may be thinking about all those hours of fun in the sun with friends, being a high schooler means getting serious about the future, both during the school year and over the long summer days. Getting a summer job is a milestone many teenagers find necessary to obtain when money begins to be an issue. Getting your first car, paying for nights out with friends, buying your own things, and paying for the daunting price of college are all going to have to be paid for somehow.
But getting a job isn’t as nice and easy as the movies make it look, and real hard work and effort need to be put into getting a job. In economically difficult times, trying to find a position available in the first place is a chore in itself. Many employment search engines are geared towards full-time jobs for adults with degrees, and while there are a few made for part-time looking teenagers, looking for a position in our suburban area is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
The best way to look for a job is to start early and ask everyone you know about possible summer positions. Ask an upperclassman about openings at his/her place of employment, or put on a nice outfit and hit the pavement. Many local businesses might not hang signs in the window, and might just hand you an application if you inquire. Make sure to be presentable and mature, as this first impression will have a lasting effect on your chances of being hired. A bonus to is create your own rèsumè, as many business owners will be impressed by a young person’s professionalism and initiative, even if it is just a family restaurant you are applying to.
Starting early is the most important thing to keep in mind when searching around. Employers start looking early for extra summer help, so make sure to be the first applicant when the hiring process begins. And while your teenage summer job may not be the dream job you’ve been thinking about since you were a kid, just remember the experience (and income) you’ll be benefiting from and hopefully will remember fondly when you are able to buy that new car all by yourself.