St. Patrick’s parade pleases
The West Milford Highlander Band marched its way through New York City for the 2016 Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. The band has not participated in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade for quite some time, but had done well in the previous years. With district commitments resolved, The Highlander Band was able to return to participate in the parade this year. The band played the common tunes “Brigade March” and of course “Scotland the Brave”. There were some negatives, like standing around and waiting until the parade started, or being tired from marching. The bus rides were extremely cramped, and a few of the buses got lost in NYC, but, overall, it was still a fun experience, and a memorable one at that. How many other schools have the chance to participate in such an iconic event? The band members marched for miles in New York with the crowd in an uproar to see and hear the beautiful music these talented students can produce. The Highlander Band did a fantastic job in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade and hopes to march again next year.