The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony was held in the high school auditorium on May 30, 2012. Thirty-three established members inducted forty-eight new members during a tradition-filled ceremony.
Opening the evening was the Highlander Pipers followed by members and inductees. Guest speakers shared encouragement, advice and well wishes with the students. Speakers included Mrs. Iris Wechling, the district’s Director of Education , Mr. Paul Gorski, the high school Principal, and Mr. Stephen Lindsey, a 2008 graduate of West Milford High School and soon-to-be graduate of Princeton University. Guests were also treated to a performance by the Highlander Concert Choir.
Before the call to induction, senior Honor Society members Kathryn Leonard, Natalie Certosimo, Peter Chuprevich and Charlene Oselador spoke about character, leadership, scholarsip and service. To achieve the honor of membership, students must maintain a high academic standing of a 3.5 grade point average or higher. Each student must also donate 10 hours of time doing school service activities, such as tutoring in the tutoring center in room 123 of the high school. Another 10 hours is required for community service. In addition to these 20 hours of service, inductees are required to have done two in-depth service projects, such as volunteering in school clean-ups, visiting and helping the elderly at Milford Manor, or participating in the Relay for Life charity event that occurred on May 9th. Finally, members must demonstrate leadership, good character and scholarship.
The official swearing in ceremony was run by the students themselves. Standing members announced and pinned the new members, who signed the Honor Society Ledger and received a certificate of membership. The evening was fittingly ceremonial, recognizing those who have earned the privilege of induction.
The installation of 2012 -13 officers also took place. Peter Chiprevich passed his presidency on to Fraziska Federico. Kathryn Leonard turned the vice presidency over to Stephanie Buechel, and Natalie Certosimo handed her secretarial quill to Kelly Mc Gill. Looking toward the next school year, Mrs. Carol Giroux will once again serve as the advisor for this admirable group of students.

WM National Honor Society Advisor Carol Giroux, Taylor Ryan, Melissa Townsend, Maranda Jones, Stephanie Buechel, Jessica Rolando, Nicole Meszaros, Megan Heye, Lacey Denning, Lindsay Fenwick, Gianna Galioto, Bethany Vansickle, Kelly McGill, Heather Piccoli, Caitlin Stanich, Samantha Czulada, Hayley Civil, Nicole Haarklau, Briana Romer, Maura Dunlop, Alyssa Kasper, Shaine Timmins, Franziska Federico, Patrycja Gryzywna, Katie Schiller, Kayla Osborne, Sara Donnamaria, Caroline Kearney, Principal Paul Gorski
Center, left to right: Jack Romano, William Ruys, Matthew Kasturas, Tim Canali, Paul Sullivan, Patrick VanDuyne, Benjamin Osborne, Sean Timony
Bottom, left to right: Matthew Albar, Richard Turre, Jeremy Nardiello, Matthew Cummings, Dan O’ Brien, Josef Mohrenweiser, Hans Dewaal, Andrew Vigorita, James Dygos
Not pictured: Christa Callamari