No PARRC’ing: Editorial



The PARCC is a wonderful state test brought to you by the magnificent state of New Jersey. When it came to West Milford, the state required testing was chaotic and disorganized. One of the biggest issues about the test is the constant changing information.  One month it doesn’t count, the next it does, and now students may not have the state requirements to graduate. When you have around twelve hundred kids and the majority don’t know what is expected of them,  things tend to go bad.  Many kids failed for not taking it seriously.  You could argue this is the problem with the students, but in the end it’s really everyone’s fault.  We had so many students last year opt-out that we were placed as one of the schools with the most opt-outs, and we were threatened to lose state aid and suffer reform plans to increase acceptance of the test.  Many parents wanted to do refusals or opt-outs for their children but were not aware of test start days,  so in some cases, there were last-minute faxes because students had to get a parent’s ‘wet signature’.  The worst part is that kids who are in mixed classes must stay in the auditorium if they were meant to be testing those periods, so they are missing potential class time.  It is downright unfair and is doing a great injustice to the student body.  While standardized testing is nothing new, perhaps a better procedure should instituted.