West Milford teachers score big on lottery!


You read that right, folks! Teachers at our very own school, have struck gold! While you may be confused as to why the Lottery Association is giving away one billion dollars when we have starving people, unemployed veterans, countless homeless people, and a national debt of nineteen trillion dollars, but as a symbol of false hope and miracles we’re doing it anyway! The teachers who pooled together are as followed: Mrs. Potzer, Mrs. Petrosillo, Mr. Bialkin, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. Guenter, Mrs. Holmstrom, Mr. Nitkinas, Mrs. Fanning, Mr. Jacklin. I’m sure by now you’re wondering how much they won, correct? Well, your guess is way wrong. Together, they won like seven or eight dollars! That’s enough to buy some fancy cookies! I’m hoping this success story will inspire all you out there reading this to go out there and participate in the lottery. All you can do is hope.