Halloween is right around the corner and finding Halloween costumes as a teenager can be tough. Teens are balling on budgets, but still want to have fun and unique Halloween costumes. Costumes can still be creative and exciting even if the items are found in your closet or borrowed. Here are some costumes that are easy, fun, and affordable
Costume 1: Kraft Mac & Cheese
Everyone loves a good pot of Mac & Cheese, so why not have a delicious meal for Halloween! All that would be needed are:
Toilet paper rolls
Hot glue

Blue pants
Yellow top
This is a good costume if you are on a budget. The toilet paper rolls can be found at home alongside the majority of the clothing. Even if the clothes need to be bought the items can be found at affordable stores like Walmart or Target. If a hot glue gun is needed, always remember you can borrow things from people you already know!
Costume 2: Three Blind Mice
A great classic but easy costume idea is the three blind mice! This costume is great for friend groups and is a very easy costume to piece together. Items needed are:
Black dress
Mouse ears

This costume is on the easier side considering the majority of closets have black clothing in them. This is a costume that can also be dressed down with leggings and a black sweatshirt. Sunglasses are also an
easy home find and the ears could be home made.
Costume 3: M&M’s
A fun and simple last minute Halloween costume for you and your friends is the different colored M&M’s! All you need to achieve this look is:

Four different color t-shirts
Four different color tutus
M shaped piece of fabric
All this costume requires is a simple trip to a party store or your closet!
Costume 5: Power Puff Girls
If you would like an iconic and easy Halloween costume straight from your closet, Power Puff Girls is the costume for you. For this costume you simply need:
A pink dress

And a blue dress
Any accessories that matches each character
This is another fun costume for trios!
Costume 6: Shaggy from Scooby Doo
A fun and well known costume that is easy to put together is Shaggy from Scooby doo. For this costume you will need:
Green shirt
Brown pants
Stuffed Scooby

Costume 7: Towelie from South Park
A funny and unique costume for a last minute party is Towelie. For this costume you would need:
A towel

And hot glue
For this costume you would need to cut out the eyes, mouth, and eyebrows and just glue it onto the towel. As for cutting a hole in the towel for your head. Enjoy this easy costume and don’t forget, always bring a towel!
Costume 8: Witch
A witch is a super easy and affordable last minute costume for a single person, group of people, or family. All this costume requires is:

Black clothing (shirt, pants, skirt, dress or jacket)
A pointy hat
A broom (optional)
Dark makeup
This costume is very simple and only requires a trip to a costume store and your closet. It is very affordable since all the pieces that are needed for this costume are likely already in your possession!
Costume 9: Minion
A Minion costume is a funny and easy way to dress up for Halloween. This costume can be great for younger children, families, or a group of friends! This costume needs:
Yellow hat
Yellow shirt
Blue overalls or pants

This costume can be fun, cute, and cheap! A lot of the items you need you probably already have, which makes this a great last minute costume!
Costume 10: Ketchup and Mustard
Ketchup and Mustard is a simple way you and your bestie can dress up. It’s super easy and affordable because all you need is:

Red dress, shirt, skirt, or pants
Yellow dress, shirt, skirt, or pants
Yellow and red hats
Labeled Ketchup and Mustard signs (optional)
This is a creative duo costume. If you have more friends that want to tag along, you can include other sauces like buffalo, ranch, and barbeque! Most of the items you need can be found at a clothing store, thrift store, craft store, or even in your wardrobe.
Photo credits:
31 Easy DIY Witch Costume Ideas for Halloween (2024) – Parade
Zariah Richards (Via Pinterest)