Three tardies- Warning
1. Six tardies- Super Detention
2. Nine tardies- Super Detention
3. Twelve tardies- Super Detention
4. Every three tardies thereafter- Super Detention
5. Possible loss of driving privileges for determined amount of time.
6. Exceeding reasonable amount of tardies will result in loss of credit in that course.
If any students want to be a part of the various after school activities, they must be in the school for at least four hours. If the student is late, then they must bring in a note signed by a parent and/or guardian. Students should be sure not to miss any classes or half a class when coming to school tardy or they will get marked down absent!
As students all know cutting class is a very taboo thing to do and why would they want to miss out on the education?! Even though a student may be in the buildings, in the halls or in the bathroom, if he or she is not in class then it is considered a cut. If s/he is caught then the student is going to get a zero for the day, a phone call home, and a super detention. The only way one can be excused from class is if one of the offices calls him/her down. Remember students, be on time, stay in class, and learn as much as you succeed and do well in school.